Small firms have a limited number of employees and resources. It is one of the major limitations of cost accounting methods. Sometimes this method creates two different reports, using the same piece of data and information. It happens because cost accounting uses standard cost in place of the actual cost. They state that it can often create confusion about non-cost things.
Ethical code of conduct Legal and medical professions are bound by a code of conduct, which guides the behaviour of its members. AIMA has devised a code of conduct for Indian managers but there is no statutory backing for this code. Management is a profession like medical or legal profession. Management is an art as well as a science or an inexact science.
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Class 12
Department Of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science was established in 2001. Computer science is a fast-moving field that includes the disciplines of Mathematics and Programming. Provides operating net results and financial position at the end of financial year.
Commerce (General)s
It is a mistake on the part of any management to believe that mere increase in sales volume will result in profits; increased sales at prices lower than the cost may well lead the concern to the bankrupt court. Only Cost Accounting will reveal what price will be profitable. Cost accounting is a science because it has its own principles and rules, which are followed on a regular basis and in a systematic manner. It is also an art because its principles and techniques are used in solving the business problems through cost data. Personal finance, corporate finance, social finance and public finance are a few of the types of finance. There are many professional careers under the umbrella of finance like financial analyst, chartered accountant, banker, market analyst and more. RazorpayX is a suite of financial solutions to all the problems startups and businesses face in India.
Management can be carried off as a Profession by individuals who have gained proper education and graduated the relevant tests. Students are taught essential concepts of Management and need to pass pArticular exams so that they can work as a manager in future. They also need to qualify for an entrance examination to get enrolled in an institution for an educational degree.